Early Closing Tuesday, Feb.11
CCCCC will close at 3pm due to winter weather.
our day

Block CastleThe center is open from 7 am to 6 pm, Monday through Friday.

Children follow a predictable routine each day, which includes a balance of quiet and active play;  structured and unstructured activities; and individual, small group and large group experiences. 


Within the day, children are given many choices and the freedom to move between areas of the classroom. Library, block building, pretend play, manipulative, art, sensory and science areas include a variety of materials that are regularly rotated and carefully chosen to invite children to create, to explore and to express themselves.  Activities such as cooking projects, science experiments, gardening and story telling are regularly offered. Children enjoy daily music, movement and story times.

Project work is an important part of the curriculum:  when children work together on big endeavors, they learn deeply about the topics that interest them.  Recent projects include writing and performing a play; creating a restaurant where preschool chefs served their classmates; and making an ocean mural.  Field trips and walks in the neighborhood inform these studies by allowing children to observe and to collect information out in the real world.  Literacy and math experiences are integrated into the day so that they are contextual and geared to each individual's readiness.


Meals are served family style. We view meals as important opportunities for conversation and enjoying one another's company.  Hot lunch is provided by Good Foods, a professional catering company, and consists of an entree, a vegetable, a fruit, whole grain bread and milk.  Morning and afternoon snack are provided by CCCC.  Each healthy snack includes a protein, a carbohydrate, a fruit or vegetable and milk or 100% fruit juice.  Whole grains are featured, and trans fats, high fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated oils are avoided. 

Outdoor Time

We believe that lots of time in the outdoors is essential to healthy growth and development.  Children have outdoor time  three times each day.  Our natural playground is designed to promote creative, constructive play, to connect children to nature, and to be a beautiful space in which they can run, climb and explore.