Early Closing Tuesday, Feb.11
CCCCC will close at 3pm due to winter weather.
philosophycastle building

At CCCC, we celebrate the uniqueness of each child’s spirit. 

Because we believe that children learn best when engaged in work and play that is meaningful to them, our curriculum is emergent. Topics of study, the selection of materials in the room, projects and field trips are carefully planned from the children's interests and needs.

Children are encouraged to observe, to experiment and to make their own discoveries, and all activities are seen as opportunities for learning to problem-solve.

We respect each child's own pace of development and learning style.  Social-emotional development is an integral part of the curriculum, and careful attention is paid to fostering the classroom community, including teaching conflict resolution skills.

Together we seek to create lifelong learners - curious, enthusiastic and creative – with a sense of wonder and joy.